This App allows doctors to ease the categorization of the tumour stage. It has been developed, under the supervision of the Phd Massimo Canonico, by Mattia Anedda and Andrea Lombardo.
More - 03/02/2016 - End Date: 03/08/2016Prof. Lorenza Saitta has been appointed Professor Emeritus in Computer Science
More - 18/12/2015 - End Date: 15/06/2016The Safety and Reliability Group of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (UK) has awarded Daniele Codetta Raiteri and Luigi Portinale with the 2015 Donald Julius Groen Prize for the article "Approaching Dynamic Reliability with Predictive and Diagnostic Purposes by exploitiing Dynamic Bayesian Networks", published on the Journal of Risk and Reliability on October 2014.
More - 16/05/2015 - End Date: 20/06/2015Third position in the CENSIS 2014 ranking in the area of Mathematical and Information Sciences. More - 27/11/2014
The Logical Mind: Connecting Foundations and Technology Competition
(Organized by the Kurt Gödel Society) More - 17/01/2014 - End Date: 04/08/2014
Merry Christmas and Happy 2014 from the Computer Science Institute More - 19/12/2013 - End Date: 02/01/2014
Report about the informatics education in Europe; by Informatics Europe More - 07/11/2013
Prof.Michael Levitt, co-director of the Lipari School on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, has won the Nobel Prize 2013 for Chemistry.
This event emphasizes the role and importance of computer science and information technology for the scientific progress
Following the pubblication of the results of the process concerning the national evaluation of the research in the period 2004-2010 (VQR 2004-2010), the Computer Science Istitute ranks at the first position in the segment of small structures. More - 18/07/2013
Lerici (La Spezia), Italy, 16-21 September 2013
The aim of the Ph.D. School is to address young researchers to the forefront of research activity on Smart Cities & Internet of Things, by presenting
state-of-the-art research together with the current and future challenges in building smart cities in an efficient and sustainable way,