Italiano (Italian) English (Inglese)
Friday, 24 January 2025


Dettagli Pubblicazione
Autori:Davide Cerotti
Daniele Codetta Raiteri
Giovanna Dondossola
Lavinia Egidi
Giuliana Franceschinis
Luigi Portinale
Roberta Terruggia
Area Scientifica:Uncertain Reasoning
Probabilistic Graphical Models
Computer Security
Dependability and Reliability
Titolo:A Bayesian Network Approach for the Interpretation of Cyber Attacks to Power Systems
Apparso su:Italian Conference on Cyber Security, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2315
Tipo Pubblicazione:Paper on Proceedings National Conference
Sommario:The focus of this paper is on the analysis of the cyber security resilience of digital infrastructures deployed by power grids, internationally recognized as a priority since several recent cyber attacks targeted energy systems and in particular the power service. In response to the regulatory framework, this paper presents an analysis approach based on the Bayesian Networks formalism and on real world threat scenarios. Our approach enables analyses oriented to planning of security measures and monitoring, and to forecasting of adversarial behaviours.