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Saturday, 8 February 2025


Dettagli Progetto
Partecipanti: Giorgio Leonardi
Luigi Portinale
Responsabile: Luigi Portinale
Area Scientifica: Artificial Intelligence
Titolo: TRA.QUA.S. wine
Inizio: 2011
Termine: 2013
Descrizione: The goal of the project is the development of new technologies (both from the chemical as well as from the ICT point of view) for the tracking, authentication and safety of Piedmont wines. The Computer Science Department is involved by providing expertise on the use of AI-based approaches for the analysis of collected data.

The project has been funded by Regione Piemonte under the Polo Agroalimentare and Polo ICT iniziatives (second call)

Partners: DISCAFF University of Piemonte Orientale, Computer Science Department University of Piemonte Orientale, wine makers, 3A software house, ISPA-CNR

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