Italiano (Italian) English (Inglese)
domenica, 8 settembre 2024


Dettagli Pubblicazione
Autori:Davide Cerotti
Daniele Codetta Raiteri
Giovanna Dondossola
Lavinia Egidi
Giuliana Franceschinis
Luigi Portinale
Roberta Terruggia
Area Scientifica:Probabilistic Graphical Models
Computer Security
Dependability and Reliability
Titolo:A modular infrastructure for the validation of cyberattack detection systems
Apparso su:TR-INF-2022-05-01-UNIPMN
Editore:DiSIT, Computer Science Institute, UPO
Tipo Pubblicazione:Technical Report
Sommario:We propose a framework for the evaluation of cyberattack detection systems in which methodological results can be tested in a realistic setup. We emulate a power control infrastructure, an attacker and a monitoring systems. In this controlled environment, through a modular approach, we can evaluate a variety of detection models: we inject adversarial activity, collect logs from the systems, analyze such logs and produce evidences that are later processed by artificial intelligence models that can raise alerts, and give diagnostic or predictive information. The testbed allows us to effectively test the adequacy of the detection mechanisms; currently, it includes man-in-the-middle attacks and false data injection.