Italiano (Italian) English (Inglese)
sabato, 26 ottobre 2024

Rapporti Tecnici

Dettagli rapporto tecnico
Autori:Daniele Codetta Raiteri
Area Scientifica:Dependability and Reliability
Formal Models
Titolo:Development of a Dynamic Fault Tree Solver based on Coloured Petri Nets and graphically interfaced with DrawNET
Apparso su:TR-INF-2003-10-06-UNIPMN
Editore:Computer Science Department, UPO
Sommario:This report is about the realization of a tool to solve Dynamic Fault Trees (DFT), an extension of traditional Fault Trees (FT) that includes S-dependencies. The approach to solve DFT is presented in this report is based on two peculiar features; first, we adopt a parameterization technique, referred to as Parametric Fault Tree (PFT), to fold equal subtrees or components and resort them to a more compact representation; second, DPFT can be modularized and each module translated into a Coloured Petri net in the form of Stochastic Well-formed Net (SWN). The analysis of DPFTs may require the generation of a very large state space; parameterization, modularization and the conversion to SWN allow a remarkable reduction of the state space dimensions when redundancies and symmetries are present in the system.