Publications found: 409
- A Type Inference Algorithm for a complete stratification of the Polymorphic Type Discipline
Paola Giannini, Simona Ronchi Della Rocca
Published on Information and Computation 110, 1994, Pages: 115 - 173 - Stochastic Well-Formed Colored Nets and Symmetric Modeling Applications
Giovanni Chiola, Claude Dutheillet, Giuliana Franceschinis, Serge Haddad
Published on IEEE Trans. Computers Vol. 42 n. 11, 1993, Pages: 1343-1360 - The Complexity of the Theory of p-adic Numbers
Lavinia Egidi
Published on FOCS, 1993, Pages: 412-421 - Type Inference: some results, some problems
Paola Giannini, Furio Honsell, Simona Ronchi Della Rocca
Published on Fundamenta Informatic\ae 19 1-2, 1993, Pages: 87 - 125 - A symbolic simulation mechanism for well-formed coloured Petri nets
Giovanni Chiola, Giuliana Franceschinis, Rossano Gaeta
Published on Annual Simulation Symposium, 1992, Pages: 192-201 - Understanding Parallel Program Behavior through Petri Net Models
G. Balbo, Susanna Donatelli, Giuliana Franceschinis
Published on J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. Vol. 15 n. 3, 1992, Pages: 171-187 - Operational, denotational and logical descriptions: a case study
Lavinia Egidi, Furio Honsell, Simona Ronchi Della Rocca
Published on Fundam. Inform. Vol. 16 n. 1, 1992, Pages: 149-169 - A Complete Type Inference Algorithm for Simple Intersection Types
Mario Coppo, Paola Giannini
Published on In Colloquium on Trees Algebras and Programming, CAAP92, 1992 - A Structural Colour Simplification in Well-Formed Coloured Nets
Giovanni Chiola, Giuliana Franceschinis
Published on PNPM, 1991, Pages: 144-153 - GSPNs versus SPNs: What is the Actual Role of Immediate Transitions?
Giovanni Chiola, Susanna Donatelli, Giuliana Franceschinis
Published on PNPM, 1991, Pages: 20-31
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