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Lecture announcement: intelligent FDIR techniques (Fault Detection, Identification and Recovery)
Event available for Polo ICT and Polo MESAP members, in collaboration with Computer Science Institute, University of Piemonte Orientale.
Fri 14/9/2012, 4.30pm, Skillab, Sala Spagna - Corso Stati Uniti 38, 10128 Torino
Fri 14/9/2012, 4.30pm, Skillab, Sala Spagna - Corso Stati Uniti 38, 10128 Torino
Speakers: Luigi Portinale, Daniele Codetta Raiteri
The lecture will present an approach to FDIR based on Probabilistic Graphical Models (Bayesian and Decision Networks) and some case studies in the fields of autonomous spacacraft control (mars rover) and cascading failures in a power gid.
More info at the following link (in italian only)