AMIA 2012: Distinguished Paper Award
Giorgio Leonardi, Alessio Bottrighi and Paolo Terenziani awarded at the annual AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association) conference
The paper "Exceptions Handling within GLARE Clinical Guideline Framework" by Giorgio Leonardi (post-doc at Computer Science Istitute and University of Pavia), Alessio Bottrighi and Paolo Terenziani (Computer Science Institute), Gabriele Galliani (undergraduate student of Computer Science), Francesco Della Corte and Antonio Messina (Department of Translational Medicine), has been awarded as one of the 5 Distinguished Papers at the AMIA Conference 2012. The AMIA conference is, with the MEDINFO conference, the major scientific event in Medical Informatics, with a very selective peer-review process. The 5 papers have been selected among 1064 submissions.
Link to the AMIA site.