Italiano (Italian) English (Inglese)
Sunday, 9 February 2025


End Date: 31/07/2013

Ph.D. School on Internet of Things and Smart Cities 2013

Lerici (La Spezia), Italy, 16-21 September 2013
: July 30th, 2013

The aim of the Ph.D. School is to address young researchers to the forefront of research activity on Smart Cities & Internet of Things, by presenting
state-of-the-art research together with the current and future challenges in building smart cities in an efficient and sustainable way,


The aim of the Ph.D. School is to address young researchers to the forefront of research activity on Smart Cities & Internet of Things, by presenting
state-of-the-art research together with the current and future challenges in building smart cities in an efficient and sustainable way,
in order to provide a thorough overview of the main topics about Smart Cities and Internet of Things (IoT) and their envisioned integration.
International speakers from academia and industry will give lectures tailoring their research field for an interdisciplinary audience.
A dedicated discussion panel will focus on the interaction and the collaboration between academia and industry in order to depict the future vision of
Smart Cities and IoT. Participants will also have the opportunity to present their research activities during a dedicated session.
The school will allow participants to be exposed to cutting edge results in one of the most challenging research area, while at the same time
enjoying the relaxing atmosphere of one of the most beautiful Italian locations.


The expected audience includes:
Post-graduate students, Ph.D. students, and young researchers from universities.
Researchers and engineers from academic and industrial laboratories around the world.
People from industry who wish to discover the innovative applications of IoT, Smart Cities and sensor networks.
We expect hosting 50 participants.

LECTURERS (in progress)

Prof. Andrzej Duda, INP-Ensimag Grenoble, France
Prof. Roberto Verdone, University of Bologna, Italy
Dr. Christos Efstratiou, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Dr. Simon Duquennoy, Swedish Insttute of Computer Science, Sweden
Prof. Luca Veltri, University of Parma, Italy
Dr. Marius Monton, WorldSensing, Spain
Dr. Olivier Dupont, Cisco Systems, The Netherlands

Program available on this link:
In addition, an industry panel session is included.


Lerici is a town and comune in the province of La Spezia in Liguria (northern Italy), part of the Italian Riviera.
Its nearest bay is the Bay of Lerici. The town is connected by ferry to the Cinque Terre and Portovenere.
One of the main sights of Lerici is its famous castle which since its first founding in 1152 was used to help control the entrance of the Gulf of La Spezia.
Today the castle contains a museum of paleontology.


Registration fee is: EUR 350
The fee covers registration, lunches, coffee breaks, social dinner, and gadget kit. The fee does not cover accommodation.


Prof. Gianluigi Ferrari (Università degli Studi di Parma) (E-mail: [at]
Simone Cirani, Ph.D. (Università degli Studi di Parma) (E-mail: simone.cirani [at]
Pietro Gonizzi, Ph.D. Candidate (Università degli Studi di Parma) (E-mail: pietro.gonizzi [at]
Marco Picone, Ph.D. (Università degli Studi di Parma) (E-mail: marco.picone [at]

People interested in receiving further information about the school can contact:

Internet of Things and Smart Cities Ph.D. School Organization
Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Viale G.P. Usberti, 181/A
43124 Parma (PR) Italy

Tel: +39 0521 905741
Fax: +39 0521 905758

E-mail: phdschool2013.unipr [at]