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Sunday, 9 February 2025


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Turing Award 2012
Silvio Micali and Shafi Goldwasser are the recipients of the Turing Award 2012 More - 14/03/2013 - End Date: 10/09/2013
Best wishes for Xmas Holidays
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Computer Science Institute More - 26/12/2012 - End Date: 06/01/2013
AMIA 2012: Distinguished Paper Award

Giorgio Leonardi, Alessio Bottrighi and Paolo Terenziani awarded at the annual  AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association) conference

More - 27/11/2012 - End Date: 27/02/2013
Announcement: Fabio Neri Fellowship
CNIT Fabio Neri Fellowship Announcement to support Postdoctoral research at a CNIT Research Unit within an Italian University More - 04/10/2012 - End Date: 01/11/2012
On the unsuitability of WoS and Scopus for Computer Science
Big problems arise from the indiscriminate use of ISI Web of Science and Scopus databases for evaluating the impact of research in Computer Science More - 04/09/2012
Avviso: manutenzione server web - 28/12/2012 ore 9.00
Si comunica che martedì 28 agosto, a partire dalle ore 9.00, verrà effettuata la manutenzione del server web del Dipartimento. Il sito non sarà raggiungibile per tutta la durata della manutenzione. - 27/08/2012 - End Date: 28/08/2012
Lecture announcement: intelligent FDIR techniques (Fault Detection, Identification and Recovery)
Event available for Polo ICT and Polo MESAP members, in collaboration with Computer Science Institute, University of Piemonte Orientale.
Fri 14/9/2012, 4.30pm, Skillab, Sala Spagna - Corso Stati Uniti 38, 10128 Torino

Speakers: Luigi Portinale, Daniele Codetta Raiteri

More - 24/08/2012 - End Date: 15/09/2012
The Halting Problem Poem
Celebrating Alan Turing, we point out to computer scientists this clever poem dedicated to the Halting Problem. More - 29/06/2012
e-businees day 30/5/12 Alba (CN)

organized by eComLab with NetComm Consortium and Confindustria Cuneo; it will take place on May 30 at Palazzo Mostre e Congressi, Piazza Medford 3, Alba (CN).

More - 23/05/2012 - End Date: 31/05/2012
ACM Turing Award 2011

Prof. Judea Pearl of UCLA is the 2011 winner of the prestigious ACM Turing Award.

More - 16/03/2012 - End Date: 15/04/2012

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